Effective Ways To Manage Wedding Day Stress

Effective Ways To Manage Wedding Day Stress

All the wedding madness can take a toll on your physical & mental health. The breakouts can sometimes be extremely frustrating and hence, should be avoided at all costs. Below, we have listed a few ideas which are definitely going to be of help for both, the bride & groom. 

1. Be well rested

This goes without saying. Getting enough sleep & not panicking at the last moment helps a lot with managing stress. This maintains your cool and avoid any baggy eyes or acne breakouts on your big day.

2. Meditate

This is an extremely vital thing when you have an entire wedding to plan. Taking out a few minutes for yourself keeps you at peace & gives you time to plan what all should be on your to-do list for the day. 

3. Delegate the work

If you try to micro manage everything without delegating the work, it is definitely going to take a toll on your mental & physical health. Identify your friends' & relatives' strengths and allot them work accordingly. They will feel more involved & the work load will be lesser on your part.

4. Self Care

Taking out time to pamper and take care of yourself is going to be your savior. It not only brings your glow back but also makes you forget about all the stress for sometime. Go for a spa session, on a shopping spree, out for coffee, meet some friends, etc.

5. Focus on the bigger picture

Taking impulsive decisions & not thinking before acting can be a huge spoiler during such stressful days. Make sure to remind yourself that eventually, it is a union of two people & small mis happenings do not matter in the long run. Accept the fact that not everything can go as planned.

6. Do not compare

Taking inspiration from some other person's wedding is completely natural. However, comparing everything with some other individual's wedding is totally going to ruin the original feel of your ceremony. Enjoy what is yours & make sure to make the most out of all the happy moments,

7. Set healthy expectations

Everybody wants their weddings to be dreamy and Pinterest-y. But, reality is always different than your expectations. Your wedding depends upon a lot of factors like budget, location, etc. Be content with what is available & make the most of these happy moments. 

8. Exercise

Exercise makes your mind & body happy. It lets you take our your stress & makes you focus on yourself. Find what you enjoy doing, may it be going for a walk, jogging, Pilates, gym, etc.