Everybody knows how important wedding hashtags are now-a-days. They not only add that personal touch to the entire wedding but also ca be used in different decoration backdrops.
Creating that perfect wedding hashtag involves a lot of thought and a lot of brainstorming behind it but keeping the below points in mind can make your job easier:
1. Use numbers
If you think your names just don't have the rhyme, then, try using somenumbers which mean something to you and your partner. For example, #ToonBecomesOne or something that includes a lot of fun.
2. Get Funny
When you are creating a hashtag, getting funny can completely change the game. Look for alliterations, rhyme or synonyms, that will up your game instantly. For example, #ForeverYounge, here Younge is one of the partner's name and this is where they get punny and are trying to say that their love will be forever young.
3. Capitalize every word
Capitalize each word of the hashtag else it will be very confusing for everybody to read. Doing this will also make it more likely that everyone will get your joke or pun. It'll work the same way on social media posts with or without capitalization.
4. Check that it hasn't been used before
If you have already decided on the wedding hashtag, just check once whether something similar was already used by your close relatives, friends or some other acquaintances. After having put so much thought, you would not like to hear that the hashtag was copied by somebody else.
5. Use the location of your wedding
If you're not having luck with any of the nick names or your names, then, try using the location of your wedding. That not only makes it cooler but also a little different as that is not something that is always practiced.
Some real life examples:
Monica Mehta
Rohit Patil
- #AMatchMehtaInHeaven
- #RohitMehtaHisMatch
Nicolette (Nicki) larsen
Nicholas Urban
- #NickiFoundHerUrbanLegend
- #NickiFoundHerUrbanCowboy
Matthew Mulqueen
- #FitForAMulqueen
- #MulqueenIsJensPrince
Emily Abbott
Will Liu
- #WillLiuMarryMe (This one is our personal favorite)
If you're still confused and would like to finalize your wedding hashtag as soon as possible, try using some hashtag generators which will give you an idea of how can you get creative with your names.